Quetzalcóatl is a god from ancient Mexican mythology, known as the Feathered Serpent. He is often shown as a serpent covered in colorful feathers.

He is the god of wind, air, learning, and creation. Many people worshipped Quetzalcóatl for his wisdom and guidance.

Quetzalcóatl was mainly worshipped by the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican cultures in ancient Mexico. Temples were built in his honor in cities like Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztecs.

Quetzalcóatl has been a part of Mexican mythology for over 3,000 years. He was an important figure during the Aztec Empire, which existed from the 14th to the 16th centuries.

What They Do:
Quetzalcóatl is known for creating humanity and bringing important gifts, like corn and chocolate. He taught people about arts, crafts, and how to live in harmony with nature. Many stories about him focus on his adventures and how he helped people in ancient times.

Fun Fact:

Some people believe that Quetzalcóatl will return one day to help the world again!